Remons TechNotes

Set-up an OpenVPN Client on Windows

Windows *shiver*… It’s a necessary evil. Some of my colleagues use Windows and they also need to connect to our VPN service. Here’s how to set it up. 

These are the steps you have to take on Windows

1. Install OpenVPN, Download the 2.2.2 installer here.

2. After install, open the Windows Explorer and browse to the folder

c:\Program Files (x86)\OpenVPN\Config

3. Place the config.ovpn file you got or created (for a sample, see below) in this directory.

4.  Add the files ca.crtpinocchio.crt and pinocchio.key with the .ovpn file.

5. Start the OpenVPN GUI from the Start Menu (Start > All Programs > OpenVPN > OpenVPN GUI)

6. Connect using the System Tray icon.

A sample config.ovpn file; change the lines

remote my-server-1 1194
to match the server configuration and
cert client1.crt
key client1.key
to match the certificate and key filenames.
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