Remons TechNotes

Development WebServer on OSX Lion

So you found yourself in need of a development server (or maybe a regular production server) on your Mac… Well, good for you, because your mac can do it all. I found myself in need of it as well and wanted a stable Apache2/PHP5/MySQL installation with the PHP SVN PECL module installed. (because I want to fool around with our SVN server :) )

I can tell you 4 ways of getting a real, life ‘n kickin’, web server on OSX.

1. Use MAMP

MAMP is probably the least painless but also the least compatible. I’ll tell you the pro’s and con’s.



MAMP PRO is a bit better but it’s commercial.



Advice on MAMP:

Use it when you have no choice, discard and use the options below for a more stable environment. And MAMP Pro?? not worth the money, use the free version and buy VirtualHostX instead.

2. Macports Apache/MySQL/PHP

This is a bit more tricky to set-up. There is some planning involved and you can find decent guides on the internet everywhere. Just google it.


  • It works like a charm; all files are placed in /opt so no system parts are touched. Macports will adjust your system config to use the newly installed software
  • All latest software built for your system
  • Software that uses the built-in Apache/PHP other than via the webserver will need configuring to use the Macports version
  • The SVN PECL module? no dice. Not available in Macports – or so it seems after 48 hours of googling (not all in one day :P )
You still have to use a program like VirtualHostX to set-up virtual hosts on your server.

3. A hybrid version

Just use MySQL from Macports, and the rest from OSX


  • Still need to tell PHP where to find your database server socket.
  • Still no SVN support

And indeed, you still have to use a program like VirtualHostX to set-up virtual hosts.

4. My favorite; use the built-in Apache and PHP and MariaDB for a super-fast 100% MySQL compatible database.


And again, you will still need VirtualHostX (or similar) to maintain your virtual hosts

Ow, and a final note;

When trying out VirtualHostX and you find your hosts don’t work? Downgrade to version 2.x of VirtualHostX, it works like a charm!

Ow, p.s. don’t forget to grant access to your databases.

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