Pretty-print PHP debug and error output

I know, I know, it’s been a while. Having had a very very busy month, no time for any blogging whatsoever, it’s now time for a new post. It’s just a quick note, however. How to make your var_dump()s and php-errors more readable and esthetically pleasing?

Continue reading “Pretty-print PHP debug and error output”

Use BIND (named) to create a multi-VirtualHost configuration – no more VirtualHostX

[Deprecated: for OSX 10.9 and up, please use]

It has been a while since I posted my guides for setting up a local development environment and how to add SSL to this set-up. This setup, among other things, required the use of a hostname-to-ip-management type of software. My choice was VirtualHostX.

Recent events have brought a new temporary colleague to our workforce and he brought in some fresh blood – so to speak (post in Dutch).

Today I have successfully eliminated the need for VirtualHostX – at least, in my development environment.

Continue reading “Use BIND (named) to create a multi-VirtualHost configuration – no more VirtualHostX”

SSL (HTTPS) on your Development WebServer

It took me a while and finally found a working, but a bit ugly, solution. Not to bore you with the details, here are the step by step instruction on how to get HTTPS working on your development web server. Please note, this is not a good setup for live web servers, you will have to take security into account if you use this on a publicly available web server. Continue reading “SSL (HTTPS) on your Development WebServer”

How to activate FTP server on OSX

So, you’re running a development server on your OSX machine, ey?

No, how do you easily update your WordPress setup? Or install WordPress Plugins? You need FTP connectivity…

First you would check the ‘Sharing’ section in ‘System Preferences’ only to find FTP is not there. So you might think, OSX does not have an FTP server?

Continue reading “How to activate FTP server on OSX”

Adding MCRYPT to your OSX based PHP server setup

[UPDATE]: Updated for OSX 10.10 Yosemite [/UPDATE]

In my attempts to run phpMyAdmin on my development Mac I found this tutorial but, alas, it didn’t work. It resulted in numerous errors (like this one: lipo: can’t figure out the architecture type of: /var/folders/v6/nrfc_5hn12g91vzw8vff44m00000gn/T//cchRI7wl.out) and, as you guessed, the mcrypt extension did not work.

Continue reading “Adding MCRYPT to your OSX based PHP server setup”

Development WebServer on OSX Lion

So you found yourself in need of a development server (or maybe a regular production server) on your Mac… Well, good for you, because your mac can do it all. I found myself in need of it as well and wanted a stable Apache2/PHP5/MySQL installation with the PHP SVN PECL module installed. (because I want to fool around with our SVN server :) )

I can tell you 4 ways of getting a real, life ‘n kickin’, web server on OSX. Continue reading “Development WebServer on OSX Lion”

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