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World 5: Sikutar, level: optional
Challenge-Applied Fusion

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Primary solution

3-reactor version – Summary

3-reactor version - Summary



Split water in OH and H

Split water in OH and H

Send 2 OH to reactor 3 and build Phosphoric Acid from 3 other OHs – Send 4 OH through before starting

Send 2 OH to reactor 3 and build Phosphoric Acid from 3 other OHs - Send 4 OH through before starting

Build PO from 2 OH and 5H

Build PO from 2 OH and 5H

Alternate solution





Hydrogen distribution 1 to 3

Hydrogen distribution 1 to 3

Oxygen distribution 1 to 1

Oxygen distribution 1 to 1

At both single atom ratio ends – build HO-radical

At both single atom ratio ends - build HO-radical

Build the P=O radical

Build the P=O radical

Combine 3x H-O and 1x P=O to Phosphoric Acid

Combine 3x H-O and 1x P=O to Phosphoric Acid

Alternate solution



As you can see; lots of storage space.
I had a few “hangs” in the Hydrogen- and Oxygen Distributors due to full exit-pipes.
The P=O synthesizer is a bit slow :)

Breaking Water in Hydrogen and Oxygen

Breaking Water in Hydrogen and Oxygen

Yes, I know, this can be done much, much more efficiently…. I found that out as well.
see the WaterSplitter I built for ‘Exploding Head Syndrome‘, which I did after this Challenge :)
And even that one is inefficient; for ‘Falling‘ I built the least inefficient WaterSplitter I could think of at this time. (The blue layer)

Distributing Oxygen in 1 to 1 ratio

Distributing Oxygen in 1 to 1 ratio

Distributing Hydrogen in 3 to 1 ratio

Distributing Hydrogen in 3 to 1 ratio

Creating HO-radical

Creating HO-radical

In retrospect, this reactor can be much simpler. The red cycle is completely superflous if the blue
one is positionned differently.

Synthesize Phosfor and binding to Oxygen

Synthesize Phosfor and binding to Oxygen

Binding 1 PO-radical to 3 HO-radicals

Binding 1 PO-radical to 3 HO-radicals

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These are my solutions to the game SpaceChem. I haven't played this for over 9 years, so solutions might be out of date -- the game mechanics changed over time, so solutions might require some tweaking. All imagery is content from the SpaceChem game, and all copyrights are reserved to the creators of that game, please visit spacechemthegame.com for more information.

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