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World 6: Hephaestus IV, level: optional

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Primary solution



Splitting the source molecule to SI and O

Splitting the source molecule to SI and O

Building empty frames of SI – and every 3 frames a single SI atom

Building empty frames of SI - and every 3 frames a single SI atom

Emit one complete SI-variant and output 2 empty frames

Emit one complete SI-variant and output 2 empty frames

Emit one complete B variant – and an empty one for the last reactor

Emit one complete B variant - and an empty one for the last reactor

Emit the AS-variant

Emit the AS-variant

Alternate solution

Overview – Lotsa Pipes

Overview - Lotsa Pipes

This is my first working – but not pretty – solution. It’s here for archive purposes.

Yes, yes… I know…. it’s not pretty, and even with a good attempt at waste management, I still had to have a great lot of buffer.
And without storage tanks, there’s only so many options….

I tried a few approaches;

First I split the entire thing into separate Si-atoms and build from the ground up, but I realised I would need an extra reactor which there is no room for.
Second attempt I went with L-shaped output in the first reactor, but I found the third one better; create squares.

Problem is; there’s loads of SiO4…. too much to handle as it turned out.

This one is not pretty, not at all.
Cycles waaaaaaay too high

I will attempt a better one when I finish the game :)

Creating the empty shell and the SiO4

Creating the empty shell and the SiO4

Creating the Si-only-variant and the empty one for passing through

Creating the Si-only-variant and the empty one for passing through

Creating the As-variant

Creating the As-variant

rebonding the entire molecule and splitting output

rebonding the entire molecule and splitting output

Creating the B-variant

Creating the B-variant



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These are my solutions to the game SpaceChem. I haven't played this for over 9 years, so solutions might be out of date -- the game mechanics changed over time, so solutions might require some tweaking. All imagery is content from the SpaceChem game, and all copyrights are reserved to the creators of that game, please visit spacechemthegame.com for more information.

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