Primary solution
Splitting the source molecule to SI and O
Building empty frames of SI – and every 3 frames a single SI atom
Emit one complete SI-variant and output 2 empty frames
Emit one complete B variant – and an empty one for the last reactor
Emit the AS-variant
Alternate solution
Overview – Lotsa Pipes
This is my first working – but not pretty – solution. It’s here for archive purposes.
Yes, yes… I know…. it’s not pretty, and even with a good attempt at waste management, I still had to have a great lot of buffer.
And without storage tanks, there’s only so many options….
I tried a few approaches;
First I split the entire thing into separate Si-atoms and build from the ground up, but I realised I would need an extra reactor which there is no room for.
Second attempt I went with L-shaped output in the first reactor, but I found the third one better; create squares.
Problem is; there’s loads of SiO4…. too much to handle as it turned out.
This one is not pretty, not at all.
Cycles waaaaaaay too high
I will attempt a better one when I finish the game :)