How to activate FTP server on OSX

So, you’re running a development server on your OSX machine, ey?

No, how do you easily update your WordPress setup? Or install WordPress Plugins? You need FTP connectivity…

First you would check the ‘Sharing’ section in ‘System Preferences’ only to find FTP is not there. So you might think, OSX does not have an FTP server?

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Adding MCRYPT to your OSX based PHP server setup

[UPDATE]: Updated for OSX 10.10 Yosemite [/UPDATE]

In my attempts to run phpMyAdmin on my development Mac I found this tutorial but, alas, it didn’t work. It resulted in numerous errors (like this one: lipo: can’t figure out the architecture type of: /var/folders/v6/nrfc_5hn12g91vzw8vff44m00000gn/T//cchRI7wl.out) and, as you guessed, the mcrypt extension did not work.

Continue reading “Adding MCRYPT to your OSX based PHP server setup”

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